Journey Mueller
Colorado Christian College
Journey Mueller lives in Longmont, CO. She identifies as a lesbian.
She attends Colorado Christian University, which has many anti-LGBTQ+ policies in the student handbook. A lifestyle covenant in the handbook regulates romantic relationships and sexual conduct, forbidding same-sex romantic relationships and signs of affection and noting that those actions may result in discipline.
While a student, Journey’s roommate suspected that she is a lesbian and forced her to confess, then outed her to school administrators. This trigged a series of disciplinary actions, including mandating so-called “conversion therapy,” mandating mentorship, and placing her on academic probation. CCU also removed Journey from her housing, placing her in an isolated dorm where she had to live alone, because CCU did not want me to live with other women. She was required to attend "ex-gay" chapels where same-gender relationships were demonized and abstinence was touted as an alternative to homosexuality.
The abusive environment resulted in clinically diagnosed PTSD and mental health crises such as self-harm and suicide attempts. To stay alive, Journey left CCU shortly before the end of her first year.
“CCU stole my coming out from me,” Journey said. “Instead of me coming out to my family when I was ready and in my own way, they forced me to come out to my family and to do so under humiliating and painful circumstances. I barely survived this experience.”
She is raising her voice to protect all LGBTQ+ students at Colorado Christian University and religiously affiliated colleges across the country.

About US
At many religious schools, colleges, and universities, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized students suffer discrimination, abuse, isolation, and hardship. If this describes you, you are not alone. We are in this together.
REAP fights for the safety, bodily autonomy, justice, and human rights of LGBTQIA+ and other communities marginalized at many predominantly white, taxpayer-funded religious schools and colleges. Using campus organizing, storytelling through podcasting, documentary film, and speaking and preaching on campuses throughout the country, REAP empowers students, faculty, staff and alumni at these institutions to advocate for human rights, while shining a light on the dangers and abuses of a major educational pipeline of white Christian Supremacy.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at
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